$22.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Note 1: This is NOT a therapy program. This is for education purposes only.  

Note 2: Before participating in a program like this, always seek the advice of your physician, psychiatrist or psychologist, or other qualified health care providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical or psychological condition or treatment and before undertaking a regimen.

By consenting to this service agreement, I (purchaser) agree to the following:

  • I consent to learn through this program and understand I am able to terminate the services at any time for any reason, though payment is still non-refundable.
  • I understand this is an educational setting, and an interactive process that requires my investment in order for progress to be made. Following these practices is not a guarantee of improvement of my condition in any way and I understand that my condition may worsen during the program.
  • I understand that this is not a  program where any sort of diagnosis will be made. 
  • I consent to the teacher using a secure platform and sharing electronic copies of all live classes taught, which may  include my participation, in video and audio format.

The content in the class, including but not limited to discussion, graphics, images and other material contained are for informational purposes only. Participation is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.  Participation in this program does not in any way constitute a doctor-client relationship and is strictly for educational purposes only. 

Suzanne Alexandria does NOT offer diagnoses of any mental, emotional, physical or spiritual condition. Energy healing treatments and sessions are not a substitute for appropriate and considered medical or clinical/therapeutic care, though it is often used as an adjunctive resource to treatment plans.

Participants who choose to participate in the content, classes, sessions or treatments do so with the full consent and knowledge that they are doing so as an act of free will and they are wholly responsible for all aspects of their experience.

It is not unusual for feedback to occur from energy healing treatment which may include an exacerbation of symptoms or even a new set of symptoms emerging as energies that have unblocked, released or opened integrate. The client must make informed choices about follow-up care and seek appropriate medical or therapeutic attention if symptoms persist or generate increasing levels of discomfort.  

By registering and taking this course, the participant assumes any and all risks associated with using information it contains, agreeing to hold harmless Alexandria Enterprises LLC, its owners, partners, instructors, employees, agents and/or volunteers from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, liability, loss, damage, and/or injury that may occur out of the use of the content offered through participation in this and all programs offered by Alexandria Enterprises LLC, the Alexandria Institute, and Suzanne Alexandria or any of her colleagues.

Thursdays with Spirit! 2024 LIVE Participation + All Recordings

Purchase this Gift for yourself and receive:

  • Zoom link for participation in the LIVE Zoom calls which occur every Thursday, rain or shine (except major holidays) at:

    10am Hawaii
    12pm PT
    1pm MT
    2pm CT
    3pm ET

    8pm London/Paris

  • All recordings posted in the Alexandria Library afterwards to listen on-the-go or in peace and presence, any time, anywhere.
  • Community. Friends who get you. Access to more light. Activations and Inspirations through the Goddesses and Archangels and Masters channeled by Suzanne Alexandria
  • White Seraphim healing light
  • And more...what comes....what is needed...what flows....All here for us.

The motto is:

Show Up. Open. Listen. Hear. Ask. Receive. Leave in More Eternal Peace and Understanding. Share.

What People Are Saying:

Suzanne, I was not certain how many live"Thursday thrive" sessions I had left from my BTO special offer but I did watch Thursday's 4/6 replay on Saturday 4/8 and I prepared my altar for this and I had added several things onto my altar before I tuned into the replay and one was a picture of the "Sacred Heart of Mary" because I received a reading that stated that my Sacred Heart Center (Love) was not connected to my power center or Solar Plexus, which is, of course, an absolute disaster on every level, but I thought that the sacred fire element would be a good addition to my altar for today, and I also added a red candle with three wicks, and then sat down to watch a replay. And you can imagine what a delight these additions and your replay had in store for me and so I'm sending you this email just to add confirmation that you are online, across the board, with everything that you said and did for this "Thursday Thrive" session, which is no surprise because that is the energy that I felt watching you on John's BTO show twice. It seems that I am very much in sync with what you're doing and being, thank you. I have also attached a post that I recently posted to my Facebook page and it seems to be pretty much in line with the rest of what is going on in my life. I hope that you find it appropriate and if so, you may share it with others. Happy Easter, george Buen Camino, My Friend, George.

George Hodak

For a week or so I've been reading over my journal for 2023 to wrap up the year and note what I want to remember. It's so full of your wisdom and positive reminders of our Divine connection. I want to thank you for being such a huge part of my growth and understanding this year. I'm getting a strong handle on the entity thing as well! Much love to you and peace in 2024. May all your dreams come true. 💞🕊🙏💖 Jodee

Jodee Adele Smith