You are your business and your business is you. Choose your path as your creation, & run it like a rockstar with high level business counsel and your guides right by your side. 

Join The New Cohort. Temple Gates Open December 8, 2023.

To manage your business with the loving guidance of Spirit right beside you in your boardroom? We're serious about nurturing spirit-guided, profitable businesses to serve most effectively. Join this business council if you want:


Direct Access to Your Business Guides.

Channeled Messages.

Business Best Practices & Coaching to Set AND Meet Goals.

Soul freedom. Break your old patterns and lead the business of your soul's desires.

Precision + Focus.

Co-Creation With Spirit.


Your Business
is Part

of Your Destiny.

Be part of a council who knows what they want, values expert guidance from time to time, and fosters accountability and partnership with other soulful leaders. 

This group is right for you if you want to:

  • Launch a new healing business from the ground up.
  • Accentuate your already-proven business in healing, therapy, coaching, entrepreneurship, product development, sales
  • Uplevel your private practice & figure your own best model to move into product or course sales and out of so many one-on-one meetings or sessions.
  • Transform your mission and connection with your spirit guidance team into a successful brick-and-mortar business to lead from a soul-exploding place
  • Work for the next year with a tremendous group of women and men who are up to the challenge and fun of co-creating with spirit and experts on the ground, wings fully expanded.
  • Have accountability full-on to help you stay focused and keep it real.


How many of these items do you check?

Is it for you?

Our structured monthly 4-hour  gatherings include:

Suzanne Alexandria leading you in spirit-guided connection, downloads from your business team, deepening your communion with your own highest business council. Suzanne's training will include:

  • Support for your psychic development and confidence as a leader of many with skills, wisdom, courses, transformation to share with your growing global tribe.
  • How to help your clients and staff move the needle and step into their own bright paths, hearts, psychic gifts? You teach what you have learned. You intend impact. You learn along with them. You set and meet goals. 
  • We serve the sovereignty of the individuals who buy from our businesses. How do you serve them more clearly from their soul’s perspective?
  • What’s the legacy you’re going to leave on this planet?
  • What’s your soul’s WHY?
  • What do your Akashic Records offer you for your business?
  • How is your business actually YOU? And a reflection of you? What is your business’ energy?  

Potential Add-On Services:

    • One-on-one high level coaching sessions
    • Classes through the Alexandria Library (learn Reiki, Akashic Records, how to do readings, how to shift energy during therapy sessions, etc.)
    • One-on-One Activations/assistance honing your communication channel w your guides
Arrange a Discovery Call with Suzanne


Lisa Haas leading you in cutting-edge business mindset shifts and standard tactics & best practices with skills, awareness, tools and framework to build your business. Lisa's training will help you to:

  • Set goals for 2024 based on the SMART Principle: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & Timely
  • Understand what you need to succeed
  • Determine mission and vision with clarity
  • Create solid business and marketing planning for revenue generation
  • Overcome challenges in business to get “unstuck”

Potential Add-On Services:

  • Custom development of a solid business plan (through additional one-on-one work with Lisa)
  • One-on-ones for deep dives into your marketing or other areas of business, mindset, and leadership that may arise.
Arrange a Discovery Call with Lisa

The Alexandria Institute Business Council is a Spirit-Guided, Tactically-Focused Council Focusing on Accountability, Profitability, Precision Engineering, and Sustainability.

This includes work-life balance, growth into the unknown, working with energy and within your Akashic Records to receive and manifest, and much much more. 

When we're steeped in accountability AND guidance from Source, we're a force to be reckoned with.

Register Now


Twist the knife a bit more here, talk about the problem, but then reassure them it's not their fault. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Your business is YOU, and You are Your Business.

Suzanne will be leading you through the mastery of your business offerings and understandings from the inner world of your soul:

How does your business tie to your soul's purpose here?

What are going to be the biggest wins and in what progression?

What is the big vision from your Team's perspective?

You'll receive guided meditations and ways to hone and resource your WHY from the highest realm of yourself because we know that THAT is going to make you the most powerful, and...THAT is what is going to happen. 

Lisa will be leading you in the appropriate steps to accomplish your dreams, so that you continue to make smart investments AND progress and your success continues to build on itself and fuel you.

Sound like a catalyst to help you meet your goals? 

Lisa knows that sometimes lightworkers spend so much time in the dreamy etherial that they need serious and practical guidance making their dreams become manifest reality on the earth plane. 

You have money to make and people to serve. Let's blast you off. ➡


You're going to light up

 with this program:


Including handouts, tips, ritual practices, and more. 


Channeled inspiration and very practical tactics all around, including strategic guidance from our Guides. (Suzanne's main buisness guide was actually her first human boss at her job at KPMG Peat Marwick in the 1990s. Dana transitioned in 2012 and came through to Suzanne during a holiday trip to Florida in 2020, and the rest is herstory.)

Live 4-Hour Workshops Monthly

We will meet every third Friday for a robust half-day of guidance, instruction, and time for everyone to receive some individual guidance to a burning question or two.


During Suzanne's time in these workshops you will receive guided meditations to help you bring in your business planning from your higher realms and plan the seeds and energy deep into your world here on the earth.


You'll also learn new business skills and mindset tactics known to help busy entrepreneurs stay balanced, coherent, and thriving as they grow their businesses. 


You'll be assigned partners and these partnerships will change as often as needed, with the intention that you have very regular contact with each other and accountability to stay on target in your individual pursuits.

Power-house buddies, in essence, because together we thrive. 


When you work with Spirit, everyone gets what they need to write their stories and their lives in profound ways that they may not even have been able to imagine at some point.

Seriously, angel: This is the path of the modern priestess or business-minded mystic who knows who she is and wants to rise.

You have a life path that is more profound than you can imagine.

I've seen it hundreds of times in my readings.

When you are ready to spring forward, the right support comes along. 

Is this mastermind one of those support beams for your cathedral of light?

Reserve your spot for now ➡

Are you willing to allow yourself to know how the Angels view You?

Because baby, it's ALL through the lens of pure, Divine Love.
This I know.

Love really IS the greatest healer & manifestation agent in the entire Universe. This I know, so far. This work is ALL about Divine and Sacred Soul Alchemy.

Learn to Heal with the Transformational, Transmutational Power of Divine and Holy Love, through this advanced certification course on the Akashic Records.

"Out with the old...In with the Gold."

--Suzanne Alexandria & Co.

Whilst enrolled in this program, you receive special discounts on the events or offerings I run concurrently.

But baby, that's not all. 
  • BONUS 1 --> Sisterhood. In human AND spirit form.
  • BONUS 2 --> Reiki mastery attunements. Throughout our time you'll receive a number of attunements including some that are unique to this work. It's perfect whether or not you have already learned Reiki at all--because I teach from a Divine Feminine Mystic perspective.
  • BONUS 3 --> Exclusive Facebook group for Wings of Isis priestesses doing this deep-dive work. Thrive on deep connection, sharing, collaborating, co-creating, befriending...and more. 

I want to join a band of soulful entrepreneurs to co-create my empire in the highest vision.

I'M A HOLY HELL YES. Sign me up.
ONE LAST COMMENT -- About My Co-Facilitator, Lisa

I wouldn't be here without the perspective, insights, guidance and confidence that I've been getting from Lisa Haas this year as she has helped me to build my business' core foundation on even more solid ground.

It takes time, discipline and moxy to create something big and lasting. Lisa provides the most practical guidance while also knowing how to set you up for success.

So darling, what are you waiting for? There are people waiting for what you have to bring to them--or you wouldn't even WANT any of this.

My first coach taught me that my service is an answer to someone's prayer. 

So is yours.

This is Perfect

for me.


I'm ready to bring my gifts out in an extraordinary way and the conviction begins....TODAY.

I'm In. 100%. ➡