Welcome to Your New Program
at The Alexandria Institute: 
14 Weeks Live with Suzanne Alexandria & Our Guides To 
Activate Your Innate Mystic Reader Abilities.


Next Temple Doors Open Tuesday, November 5, 2024. 


This program is for you if you are ready to:

  1. Enter your Akasha & transform your life.
  2. Learn to channel information AND powerful healing energy.
  3. Reprogram old thought systems and beliefs in the Akash.
  4. Know and communicate with your Guides more closely.
  5. Activate your spiritual/psychic skills.
  6. Learn to bring this gift to your client work.
  7. Serve from a vastly higher realm.

Open Your Channel and your soul's plan for you.

The activations in this program will open you to a completely new version of YOU, if you so choose. You will understand your specific ways you channel, your own special areas of interest and focus, and your unique plans for yourself....as well as who you have been in these same ways in other incarnations. It is joyous and liberating work. I do hope you'll step into your own sacred temple gates and let the Divine work through and with you through this program of extremely powerful self and mystic mastery. I'd love to see you here with us, Priestess. Is this part of your next destiny? Let's talk if so.

Learn Who You Are in the Light of the Akashic Records

Complete training and confidence to conduct professional Akashic Records readings for yourself and your clients.

Professional healers, therapists, business leaders and coaches have benefitted from this program in myriad ways. They are literally changing lives in one or just a few sessions. Here is one video testimonial that explains how it works for you: Testimonial

Suzanne Alexandria's signature Live Mastery Program will help you remove obstacles and garner a much deeper understanding of your giftings of Source as a healer soul bringing new light codes, wisdom, and structural teachings to the planet at this time. Being able to see through the lens of the Akashic Records will show you how you are already a master of a certain and very self-customized set of gifts that you are about to begin bringing online and into the world you serve in a new way. The program supports the birth from within, and the magnificent unfolding of your next-generation you in divine service. 

You will deepen your skills in:

  • Connecting with your Spirit Guides clearly
  • Using your powerful intuition
  • Releasing limiting beliefs and bringing forward your true psychic/oracular self energies and wisdom.
  • Understanding the root cause of things for yourself and your clients
  • Learning to do clearings for yourself and others (past lives, vows of punishment, old programming)
  • Helping yourself and others move past old trauma and core wounds.

Comprising the core of this program are 9 Light Body Priestess Activations with Suzanne Alexandria and the Divine Feminine Goddess Guides here to serve your greatest awakening. The activations will assist you to hone your awareness of your sovereign Divine Blueprint, your Star-Encoded Divine Genome, and Your Soul's Truest Calling for this and other Lifetimes at this moment in your trajectory. For these activations Suzanne channels the Angels of Atlantis and also the various members of the High Council of Love and Divinity including the Divine Goddess Lights of Ascended Master Isis, Mother Mary, Healer Guide Mary Magdalene, Kuan Yin, and many others and she teaches you to channel in new ways these same vibrations. This in-depth program includes:

  • 4 months of live weekly Zoom trainings with Suzanne Alexandria for 2 hours
  • Full coursework online as well so you can carry forward as quickly as you like. 
  • Live professional training to be confident to conduct readings.
  • Certification as a Reader of the Akashic Records of All TimeSpace, and we are governed in this realm by Archangel Metatron.
  • Professional and proven guidance (live) with Jennifer Smallwood, Psychotherapist and EMDR Consultant + Akashic Records-Informed Therapy Trainer to help you integrate this methodology into your therapy/healer/coaching sessions. 
  • Insight and cutting-edge guidance from Mystic Psychologist Dr. Kari Taylor that will help you unleash your own mystic therapist gifts and feel genuinely YOU in the context of using this modality in conjunction with modern psychotherapy practices.
  • 9 Soul-Star Divine Genomic Blueprint Activations with Suzanne Alexandria to expedite the manifestation of your Soul's calling now.  
  • Guidance and Oversight from the Angels of Atlantis.
  • And...Practice. Lots of practice to make it real, so that you complete this course feeling extremely comfortable using this new skill in life and career. It is truly a gift of a lifetime.

Are you ready?

Register now and receive access to the COMPLETE online coursework so you an begin your inner revolution now.

LIVE classes weekly begin November 5, 2024.


Sign Up Now & Start the Online Coursework

Still have questions?

Set up a free discovery call.
Let's talk and see what Spirit has to say about it all. You will know. You will be guided.



Set up a Free Discovery Call With Suzanne


Listen to Lesley Loftis, Professional Therapist, Share Her Experiences.

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Also for You...

Join Our Community!

Be sure you're on our A-List so you can participate in lots of offerings and insights.




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Receive My Free Goddess Gift!

Use this holy transmission from the Akashic Records to meet your own resplendent Goddess in the field of One. This meditation gets rave reviews and it will show you a bit about how Suzanne works and also what's possible in the Records of All Space and Time. Enjoy!

Get it Free! "Ignite Your Goddess in the Akashic Records"

Jennifer Radovich

"I did it!   I published my first website. Huge step for me in the world of intuitives and healers. It was my first intention when we began our program. I’ve sat on it for 3 years - not knowing how to say who it is that I am. It is through the Wings of Isis that I found the words that have been waiting to come out. This is the first step of many on my path." 

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Awaken Your Psychic, Mystic, Ancient Gifts

Join us in inner temple work in Egypt, Lemuria, Atlantis, Mesopotamia, and so much more.

Activations. Community. Awareness. Readings. Confidence. Sacred Service. And More...