When Does Victimhood Stop? 5 Things I have Learned.

For me, victimhood stops when I decide for it to stop, and when I decide to pull myself out of the hole I've fallen into.
I am writing this blog post in the present tense to be honest with you, because I believe we are on this journey together. And I also believe that as a collective we are in the midst of a victim/perpetrator crisis that is becoming resolved every time one of us decides to end the charade and take personal responsibility for our beliefs, our thoughts, and our state of mind.
I'm not saying this is easy. But here are a few things I've learned about breaking the victim-perpetrator cycle within my self that I pray as some insight for you:
- There came a point where my playing small and being victimized had absolutely nothing to do with any other person but myself. I grew up in sexual abuse and grooming. So yes, as a child, I was a victim. Interestingly, as a little one I learned some pretty incredible ways to survive and when I look back on myself as a little girl, I even see that I had less victimhood in me than I came into once I started remembering the trauma in my late 40s. That's because back then it was survival that I was doing. But fascinatingly I had none of the trauma-based 'poor me' persona that I developed later in life when I wanted to blame other people for the pain going on inside of me.
- If I am to be free -- which I Am -- then it is purely up to me creating my own mindset. Even though other people in my life have also attempted to use or harm me, every time I go back into all of the stories, the singular factor is....ME. And equally, I have to be the one who rescues me. (Certainly with a whole lot of help, when help is available, but in the end I've got to make the decisions to change inside of me AND stick to my liberation choices.)
- My victimhood story stopped blaming someone else...but turned into hatred of my own self. That's common for victims of abuse. But it doesn't have to be.
- I am the only one inside my own head 24/7. Therefore, I am the one who MUST do whatever is needed in order to cease the explosive and probably even carcinogenic thoughts that have gone on for decades about how terrible a person/mother/daughter I am.
- It's still important to catch even the subtlest ways I think myself victim. Yes, it can still happen daily if I am not staying conscious. I still notice things I am thinking that are old old energy. And thankfully I've got a team who is beautifully relentless at pointing this out for me....because as much as I wish I didn't still have to deal with old remnants of the past...I still have old programs running and I still am learning to run with new thoughts, ideas, patterns, methods, and...my higher consciousness through me. Maybe you are too.
I'm sharing this today because I am ineffably grateful that I have been the beneficiary of extraordinary love in the form of many kinds of divine intervention and I have not been ALLOWED to wallow in self pity and an adopted victimhood for too long in recent years.
My guides on land and in the ethers have come in to give me so many resources, understandings and opportunities that without this I would never be sitting here writing this to you. And as a bonus, I have even learned to thank myself for letting intervention in, even though to a large degree I did so kicking and screaming because for some human reason I always wanted someone else to change and fix the broken things. Of course that will never happen when there is extreme brokenness and separation between people in this victim/perpetrator model.
The fact is that there comes a time -- and it seems like 2025 is shaping up to be a big year for this in the collective -- when some individuals find a need to plunge deeply into experiences that will allow them to heal this paradigm within themselves. Why? Because NOT healing it comes at far too great an expense.
Have you noticed that some of your wounds/subtle ways you sabotage yourself/judgments hurt a lot more now that you're highly conscious? It becomes too painful to exist in ways that are incongruent with your truth. And I believe your truth is more in alignment with knowing you are Source, being in oneness, staying genuine to your heart and your soul's path for you, and being liberated--not victim.
Seems we're getting tumbled around quite a lot if not in homeostasis within ourselves, and that includes physically as well.
Finally...Spiritually speaking, there are a few messages from some of our greats who walked this walk before us that I wanted to incorporate in this theme:
There's a deep message from I Corinthians 13:11 attributed to the Apostle Paul for starters: "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became an adult, I put away childish things". I love this as a reminder. Acting victim when you're not could be an old childish way. Just sayin'.
And there's another example from Yeshua that's found in 3 books, Matthew, Mark, AND Luke....so it might have been a prominent teaching of his? It says: 'Arise, take up thy bed, and be healed.' One interpretation of this scripture is: 'Arise, and take responsibility for yourself!' or, even better, 'Arise, and be that person you are meant to be.'
My main point around that seems important and which other channels are also pointing to is this: We live in a time where it is imperative to take radical responsibility for ourselves.
This is NOT a new thing on planet Earth. But somehow lots of people have lost themselves. I surely had. I think it is important for those living in outdated belief structures believing they don't have any personal autonomy or sovereignty. Does any of this ring true for you? Is there any remnant of your old you that is still finding comfort in playing victim? If so you may want to have a look at it! Doing so only promises more personal liberation. Take it from one who's had to do it over and over and over and over and over. And may still not quite be finished. And who can tell you: It's really worth it. Don't be a victim. Be a free bird. Free yourself. Because beloved, you really are so very worth it. Gift yourself the time it needs to come clean, within yourself. We'll all benefit from this as we all really are so vastly inter-connected.
Maybe you'd like to share a comment below about coming out of victimhood or perpetration yourself?
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