Watch My Latest Soul Freedom Show: Demystifying Angelic Light Language

Nov 22 Soul Freedom Show featuring #FreedomReadings w Suzanne Alexandria

Featuring the amazing Chernise Spruell, channeler of Archangels & Ascended Masters.


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In this show we demystify Light Language. Where does it come from? What is it? How can it help us heal and see ourselves differently?

If you have ever experienced Light's pure peace.

Chernise and I share our experiences as channels, and...offer Light Language as part of the live #FreedomReadings that are part of this show.



Have an energetic, relationship, family question or concern? Call into my regular #SoulFreedom Show 2nd and 4th Mondays at 3pm MT, and receive guidance, clearings, blessings, and insights from the Angels in YOUR life who love you so very, very much.

Two Ways to Tune in:

Watch Live on Facebook Here 



Call in live to ask questions through #FreedomReadings:



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